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Professional help for business owners


Legal services for business owners

Accounting, tax planning & tax filing for businesses & business owners


Estate buyingselling / managing / investing / corporate relocations

Collaboration resource services for BPO [Business Process Outsourcing]


Our Accounting practice was started in Ohio in 1981.

Our Real Estate financing and sales started in California in 1989.

Since moving our headquarters to Atlanta in 1994 we've been well-positioned to help our clients get "top-shelf" (quality) Legal services and financial planning services while paying far less than the usual "top-shelf" (high) rates and fees.

Our Certified QuickBooks Accounting started in Atlanta in 2003.

Our BPO Collaboration services position us to provide call center sales, support, and client service agents for companies like Carnival Cruise Lines, Comcast, CC Home Services, Disney, ebayHome Depot, Interval, INTUIT, Sears, and more. We can set up, train, and support IBOs, and help call center professionals qualify for Work From Home virtual office opportunities.

Today we serve clients from New York thru Philly; and from Phoenix to California;
from Georgia to the Carolinas; and from Ohio thru Florida, on out to Hawaii.
We consider it our privilege and our business, 
to help you grow your profits and your business.

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